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5 Logistics Nightmares Create  Sleepless Nights for the Auto Industry

Outsourcing last-mile logistics can help automotive managers rest easier.

Logistics challenges are a constant source of stress for automotive companies. However, a growing trend to outsource last-mile logistics is reducing some of the pressure on the industry. 

Are you a weary and overextended automotive logistics manager? An experienced 3PL partner can provide much-needed relief.

Topics: distribution strategy parts distribution center point-of-use parts center third-party logistics

5 Must-Read Books About Logistics and Warehouse Automation

Because you can never know too much about how your supply chain operates.

It's not every day that someone suggests you take time out of your busy schedule to read a book about logistics. But if you're responsible for managing your company's supply chain, you know how hard it is to stay up on the trends and new technology available to distribution center managers. 

Take AI, for example, which is revolutionizing everything from optimizing warehouse layouts to automating picking systems to handling customer inquiries. You could spend days researching this one topic alone.

Topics: distribution strategy parts distribution center point-of-use parts center third-party logistics

10 Reasons to Upgrade Your Point-of-Use Parts Center Right Now

Building and managing a well-run point-of-use parts center comes with its fair share of challenges, but the results are worth it.

Efficient distribution of new and replacement parts at their point of use is crucial for any industry with operations relying on complicated equipment or machinery. Think aviation, transit, HVAC, or automotive, for example.

Direct-to-consumer and direct-selling retail brands also benefit when popular products are held close to where they are sold. 

In general, ready access to replacement parts and fast-moving inventory reduces costly downtime. And less waiting and more reliable fulfillment improves customer satisfaction. These outcomes can lead to more sales, higher customer retention, and increased profitability. 

However, being good at point-of-use fulfillment can be a lot harder than it looks. Here are our Top 10 reasons why you might need some assistance to get your inventory closer to where it's needed: 

Topics: distribution strategy aviation logistics parts distribution center point-of-use parts center transit logistics

Big Logistics Solutions for Smaller Businesses

Let our growing business help your growing business with a better global logistics solution.


Small and medium-sized businesses can now access big-company logistics at affordable prices through the "Build, Operate, Manage" approach offered by Cura Group. 

We began as a disruptor in the last-mile delivery business, providing turnkey package pick-up centers for e-commerce retailers in hard-to-serve markets.

Today we provide end-to-end packaging solutions and local distribution services that offer all the benefits of holding parts and products closer to customers without the investment in real estate, construction, or costly full-service 3PL arrangements that smaller companies just don't need.

Topics: e-commerce business growth distribution strategy last-mile distribution center parts distribution center

How Do You Know If It's Time to Reshore Your Inventory?

There are risks associated with keeping inventory offshore, but bringing it home is not a decision to make lightly.


Keeping inventory offshore exposes your business to various risks that can disrupt your supply chain, including geopolitical instability, natural disasters, transportation slow downs, and even port closures – all of which can result in significant delays in getting products to customers.

When inventory is held overseas, it can also be harder to manage quality control, which can lead to customer complaints and product recalls.

Topics: business growth distribution strategy aviation logistics parts distribution center

2022 was another transformational year for SMB supply chains

Small and medium businesses are adapting to changes in the global supply chain, and so is Cura Group.


If we had to come up with one positive thing to say about experiencing a global pandemic in our lifetimes, it would have to be our newfound appreciation of industry's ability to continuously find new and better ways to get things done. And if 2020 was the year we all first experienced COVID quarantines and remote everything, then 2022 was the year when we shook it off and moved on.

Topics: e-commerce business growth distribution strategy last-mile distribution center parts distribution center

Product Returns: Are They A Necessary Evil?

A smart reverse logistics solution can reduce costs and improve profitability.


There are many reasons to return an item to where you bought it. Maybe it doesn’t fit, it’s not what you expected, or it needs repair. Since COVID, we’ve all become more accustomed to “buying and trying” with the knowledge that we can always send back the things we don’t need or want, with no questions asked.

That’s why flexible return policies became a critical sales tool for many companies that switched to e-commerce or buy-online-pickup-in-store strategies during the pandemic. But now it looks like the era of free returns is coming to a close.

Topics: business growth distribution strategy aviation logistics parts distribution center

NBAA | BACE 2022 - That's a Wrap!

Here are the top 5 supply chain issues that were top of mind for business aviation companies at this year's NBAA conference.

The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) is the leading organization for companies that rely on general aviation aircraft to help make them more efficient and successful. According to their website, the vast majority of businesses in this community – 97 percent – are small- to midsize operations.

Last week, the NBAA held its annual business aviation convention in Orlando, FL. Even though Hurricane Ian blew through town just days earlier, it wasn't enough to knock the show off course. 

Cura Group was there to meet some of these smaller companies and find out what's keeping their aviation supply chain professionals up at night.

Topics: business growth distribution strategy aviation logistics parts distribution center

How to Make Room for Active Inventory

Or, what to do when slow-moving inventory takes up too much valuable space in your warehouse.

Inventory is like electricity: you can't run your business without it, but it's rarely top of mind. However, unlike electricity, inventory takes up physical space, it's expensive to store, and someone has to actively organize and track it even when it's not needed.

Topics: accept cash payments business growth distribution strategy aviation logistics parts distribution center

Benefits of a Build, Operate, Manage Parts Distribution Solution

“Build, operate, manage” lets small and medium-sized companies access big-company logistics at affordable prices.

Cura Resource Group started as a disruptor in the last-mile delivery business. Our turnkey package pick-up centers filled a gap for e-commerce retailers who need to provide a distributed sales force with better customer service in hard-to-serve markets. 

Today a large part of our success is derived from our "Build, Operate, Manage" approach to local distribution services. By putting warehousing and fulfillment services where our clients need them, we make it possible for small and medium-sized businesses to enjoy all the advantages of bringing products and parts closer to where they are ultimately used without the need to invest in real estate, construction, or costly third-party logistics arrangements.

Topics: local sales centers managed pick-up centers aviation logistics parts distribution center