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4 Pain Points Customer Pick-Up Centers Solve for Direct Sellers

Within any industry, there are issues that arise from time to time, and some issues that may arise more frequently. Direct sellers are not immune to these sorts of problems.

But like any successful enterprise, they look for ways to adapt. So, what are some common pain points direct selling organizations and their distributors face, and how can they overcome them?

Topics: customer service direct sales direct sellers cross-channel shopping last-mile delivery solutions e-commerce customer pick-up center free shipping local sales centers distribution strategy

5 Alternative Solutions to Offering Free Shipping

Fast and free shipping: every e-commerce customer wants it. Unfortunately, this sort of service isn’t always feasible. Trying to keep up with the Amazons of the world can put a dent in a business’ bottom line — and sometimes it can even cause a business to fold.

Topics: customer demands Same Day Delivery e-commerce e-commerce shopping omnichannel business customer pick-up center free shipping

Pick-Up Centers Can Mitigate the Cost Of Fast, Free Shipping

For better or worse Amazon has changed the way individuals shop and how they expect their purchases shipped — fast and inexpensive, if not free. But when companies can’t afford to absorb the costs associated with fast, free shipping, how can they stay competitive in the e-commerce market? Customer pick-up centers are cost-effective alternatives to traditional shipping methods.

Topics: Same Day Delivery e-commerce customer pick-up center free shipping

Behind the Customer Pick-Up Center: What We Do at Cura


E-commerce product delivery has evolved to the point that customers don’t just expect their purchase to arrive quickly; they expect it to arrive for free. So how can your online retail business keep up with competitors who offer free two-day shipping? Managed customer pick-up centers could be the solution.

Topics: direct sales e-commerce customer pick-up center free shipping