Our Blog

The Second Year of Covid Kicked the Logistics Industry into High Gear

Adapting to a future of continuous change

Someone recently asked us to share our thoughts on the future of supply chain management. We always enjoy this exercise, but we’re not quite as confident about our answers this year as we’ve been in the past. 

We can predict that the logistics industry will continue to do an incredible job of adapting to extraordinary circumstances, as it has over the last 22 months, and that we will keep doing our best to stay one step ahead of whatever comes next.

Topics: omnichannel shopping retail direct-to-consumer Covid-19

Counting Down Our 5 Most Popular Delivery Blog Posts of 2020

The year of buy-online-pick-up-in-store (BOPIS)

At the beginning of the year, when we made our predictions for retail trends to follow in 2020, we had no idea how accurate some of them would turn out to be.

Topics: direct sales e-commerce shopping customer pick-up center local sales centers Covid-19

How Creative Delivery Solutions Earn Loyal Customers in Urban Markets

Consumers won't be "COVID shopping" forever. Make sure your delivery options continue to meet their needs.

Only 21% of consumers in a recent survey said they expect to keep shopping online as much after the pandemic as they do now, but a different study concludes many people will stick with e-commerce because it’s safe and convenient. The truth is, no one knows exactly how buyer behavior will change in a world with COVID because the last time we lived through something like this, computers and cell phones and the Internet didn’t exist.

Topics: last-mile delivery void e-commerce shopping customer pick-up center local sales centers Covid-19

Keeping Local Delivery Hassle-free While We Plan for the 2021 L.A. Triathlon

Embracing New Ways of Working

Coronavirus is a devious enemy. It’s invisible, it’s persistent, and it seems to be everywhere at the same time. At Cura Resource Group, we’re not taking any chances when it comes to the health and safety of our families, our employees, and our customers. We’ve been following all CDC guidelines regarding sanitation and personal protection since the early days of the COVID-19 outbreak.

Topics: direct sellers local sales centers direct-to-consumer Covid-19 L.A. triathlon

Get Ready for a Holiday Shopping Season Like No Other

Holiday Shopping in the Time of COVID

Who would have thought we’d still be having this conversation about COVID-19 in September, let alone planning for the first holiday-shopping-during-a-pandemic season in living memory? And yet, here we are — and smart retailers are already thinking about December. They’re hard at work adapting sales and marketing strategies to deliver a merry gift-giving season at the end of a stressful year unlike any other. 

Topics: holiday shopping e-commerce shopping local sales centers Covid-19

BOPIS, Curbside Pickup, and Customer Service During Covid-19: What You Need to Know Now

3 Valuable Lessons About Customer Service During Covid-19

Looking back, no one could have known what awaited the retail industry and our economy in the first half of this year, just as no one can accurately predict what will happen next. We can, however, pause to reflect on some of the more obvious ways COVID-19 has impacted multi-level marketers (MLMs) and other direct-to-consumer businesses over the past six months.

Topics: customer service secure delivery customer pick-up center Covid-19

How to Re-Tool Online Fulfillment During a Pandemic

Think about any direct selling business and a digital-first approach is probably not what comes to mind. But young entrepreneurs joining the ranks of direct sales distributors have been changing how today’s direct selling brands operate.

Shaped by the needs of Generation Y, more direct sales companies are leveraging digital tools in all aspects of their businesses — from sales collateral to how their independent business owners (IBOs) or distributors operate.

Topics: customer service secure delivery local sales center Covid-19

3 Steps to Better Customer Service for  Contactless Pickup

Contactless pickup is here to stay

Social distancing and contactless pickup are here to stay for the foreseeable future. At Cura Resource Group we’re not surprised that a recent survey by Ipsos and USA Today concluded “more online, less in-store” is the clearest shopping trend so far since the COVID-19 pandemic rocked the world in early Spring. It turns out that most consumers aren’t in a hurry to go back to the way things were.

Topics: customer service secure delivery local sales center Covid-19

How to Offer Curbside Pickup When You Don't Have a Store

Adjusting to our “new normal” means businesses are finding new ways to get customers the products they want when and where they want them. Many restaurants, for example, have turned to curbside pickup as a substitute for serving diners at indoor tables.

Topics: last-mile delivery solutions local sales center managed pick-up centers MLM Covid-19

In Turbulent Times, Your People Matter Most

How Cura Resource Group is Responding to the Coronavirus Pandemic


It's not easy to think of something inspiring to say about logistics when the entire world has been flipped on its head by a pandemic. So after more than a month of working from home — like many of you — I decided to share how my own company is responding. I'm hoping that our experiences provide some comfort either by validating what you're also experiencing or by sparking some new ideas on how to cope.

Topics: local sales centers distribution strategy last-mile distribution center Covid-19