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In Turbulent Times, Your People Matter Most

How Cura Resource Group is Responding to the Coronavirus Pandemic


It's not easy to think of something inspiring to say about logistics when the entire world has been flipped on its head by a pandemic. So after more than a month of working from home — like many of you — I decided to share how my own company is responding. I'm hoping that our experiences provide some comfort either by validating what you're also experiencing or by sparking some new ideas on how to cope.

Topics: local sales centers distribution strategy last-mile distribution center Covid-19

Case Study: Herbalife Nutrition Drives Customer Satisfaction and Brand Awareness through Local Sales Centers

If you’re a direct sales individual distributor, you realize that time is money. You want to be able to get the fastest moving products while they’re hot, so you can get them into the hands of your customers.

Topics: customer service customer pick-up center local sales centers Herbalife distribution strategy

Is a Last-Mile Distribution Center Right for my Business?

A last-mile distribution center can save you shipping costs, improve order fulfillment and transit time, and help your distributors balance inventory.

It’s a common misconception: A last-mile distribution centers is only for the biggest of retailers like Amazon, Walmart, and Home Depot. This simply isn’t the case. If your business does significant amounts of e-commerce, a distribution/sales center where customers can pick-up products could be the right move.

Topics: e-commerce distribution strategy last-mile distribution center last-mile challenges

How To Choose the Best Location for Your Last-Mile Distribution Center

Consider customer geography, transportation infrastructure, the local talent pool, and cost when choosing a location for a last-mile distribution center.

Last-mile distribution centers can help retailers improve the most challenging and important aspect of delivery. These sales centers are not only convenient for customers, but they can be financially beneficial for businesses as well.

Topics: distribution strategy last-mile distribution center

Do You Need a Last-Mile Distribution Center?

Retail is evolving.

Retail is changing so fast, it’s hard to keep up.

The one thing that never changes, however, is that the customer is always right.  Why? Because they always have the final say on whether to give their business to you or someone else.   

Topics: customer service direct sales cross-channel shopping last-mile delivery solutions distribution strategy

3 Ways to Promote a New Last-Mile Distribution Center

You’ve decided to open a last-mile distribution center. Congratulations! These managed sales centers can be a great way to reduce shipping costs while getting product into your customers’ hands faster than traditional shipping methods. So how can you make your local community aware that your last-mile distribution center is open for business?

Topics: last-mile delivery solutions customer pick-up center local sales centers distribution strategy

Last-Mile Customer Service Can Make or Break a Customer’s Experience

Think about your last e-commerce purchase experience. What’s one of the first things you think of? If you said the delivery of the product, you’re not alone.

Regardless of the experience of the actual purchase, the perception of the business — rightly, or wrongly — is often shaped by the circumstances surrounding the delivery.

Topics: customer service last-mile delivery solutions customer demands e-commerce shopping secure delivery customer pick-up center distribution strategy

4 Pain Points Customer Pick-Up Centers Solve for Direct Sellers

Within any industry, there are issues that arise from time to time, and some issues that may arise more frequently. Direct sellers are not immune to these sorts of problems.

But like any successful enterprise, they look for ways to adapt. So, what are some common pain points direct selling organizations and their distributors face, and how can they overcome them?

Topics: customer service direct sales direct sellers cross-channel shopping last-mile delivery solutions e-commerce customer pick-up center free shipping local sales centers distribution strategy