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Pick-Up Centers Can Mitigate the Cost Of Fast, Free Shipping

For better or worse Amazon has changed the way individuals shop and how they expect their purchases shipped — fast and inexpensive, if not free. But when companies can’t afford to absorb the costs associated with fast, free shipping, how can they stay competitive in the e-commerce market? Customer pick-up centers are cost-effective alternatives to traditional shipping methods.

Topics: Same Day Delivery e-commerce customer pick-up center free shipping

4 Consumer Trends Impacting the Direct Selling Industry

Direct selling continues to grow and evolve, year over year. A recent report detailing consumer behaviors looks at future trends that will help shape the industry. So what are the shopping trends that your direct selling business needs to be aware of to keep competitive?

4 U.S. consumer trends impacting the direct selling industry

Topics: direct sales direct sellers e-commerce shopping

Behind the Customer Pick-Up Center: What We Do at Cura


E-commerce product delivery has evolved to the point that customers don’t just expect their purchase to arrive quickly; they expect it to arrive for free. So how can your online retail business keep up with competitors who offer free two-day shipping? Managed customer pick-up centers could be the solution.

Topics: direct sales e-commerce customer pick-up center free shipping

Customer Pick-Up Centers Offer E-Retailers a Piece of the Omnichannel Pie

It’s evident: The traditional retail industry must adapt or end up like the dinosaur. The retail-store bubble has burst, and — as store space has become more burdensome — businesses are looking for omnichannel strategies to keep up with consumers’ evolving shopping habits.

Topics: cross-channel shopping customer demands e-commerce omnichannel business customer pick-up center

2017 Trends in Direct Sales

Direct selling is an industry that continues to grow, year in, year out. With estimated retail sales of over $35 billion in 2015 — a 4.8 percent increase from 2014 — direct selling has now outpaced traditional retail sales. So how can your business keep up with this growth trend and even expand?

Topics: direct sales

Aware of the Easter Shopping Season? Your E-Commerce Business Should Be.

When thinking of the holiday shopping season, the time frame between Thanksgiving and Christmas is probably the first to come to mind. But what about Easter? If the Easter shopping season isn’t on your radar, your business may be missing out on an increasingly ripe opportunity for e-commerce sales.

Topics: holiday shopping e-commerce shopping easter

Signs It’s Time to Expand Your E-Commerce Business

At this point, your business is out of the weeds. You recognize what you need to do in order to be successful — and certainly the things you need to avoid. But even for a business that is seemingly doing all the right things, you still may question if expanding is the right move.

The prospect of expanding your business can be both exciting and nerve wracking. But, if the signs are present, then this may be the right time to grow your business.

Topics: direct sales e-commerce business growth

Plagued by Porch Piracy? A Customer Pick-up Center Could Be the Solution

The average value for an online purchase in the U.S. is just over $85. Would you leave $85 lying out in the open for anyone to take? Probably not. Yet we do this on an almost daily basis with packages that have equal and sometimes greater value, as they are left unattended on porches and front steps.

Recent studies show that 58% of men and 50% of women enjoy making their purchases online, but going in store to pick up their item. Reasons range from convenience, to cost savings, to security.

Topics: customer convenience center e-commerce e-commerce shopping porch piracy secure delivery

5 Reasons Why E-Commerce Businesses Fail

Topics: courier service last-mile delivery solutions e-commerce omnichannel business

Habits of Successful Omnichannel Businesses

Take a look at the latest trends in retail, and one fact becomes abundantly clear: e-commerce is the only place where substantial growth is occurring. With double-digit growth annually over the past few years, e-commerce is the future of retail. 

But not all e-commerce is created equal. By that I mean not every e-commerce business knows what it takes to be successful in the current customer-centered climate. 

Topics: customer service cross-channel shopping cross-channel shopper e-commerce omnichannel business